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Nintendo has a veritable gold mine of intellectual property. Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pokemon and others would make any game company envious. That said, in a recent interview Xbox CFO Dennis Durkin said that Microsoft's first-party has been better than anyone's. Now Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter has disputed Durkin's claim.

Speaking in a soon-to-be-published column on IndustryGamers, Pachter commented, "Dennis is a great guy, and is paid to be loyal to his Microsoft family. I think Nintendo's first-party content is vastly superior to either other console manufacturer's, and don't think that either Sony or Microsoft would really dispute that."

He added, "As far as who is better, Sony or Microsoft, I'm not sure why anyone cares about my opinion. I have all three consoles, and love Sony first party titles like God of War, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, Little Big Planet and the upcoming Twisted Metal, and I love Microsoft first party titles like Halo, Forza, Fable, Alan Wake and Gears. I'm sure that there is a scientific way to determine who is better, but that's like arguing about whether Ford is better than GM or whether Wal-Mart is better than Target. They're both good, and people have different tastes."