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padib said:
Dr.Grass said:

Yes, but I believe 'young earth' arguments should be made in a seperate place. Look, I am of the opinion that most people in this world have such incredibly messed up belief systems that I reeeaaally don't look down on someone for believing this. Some things I believe in will seem just as crazy to you.

However, where it does become an issue for me is when this rather radical viewpoint is proposed as the main antithesis to full-blown atheism. That's what I feel happens when you bring the 5000 year old earth theory in here, and I firmly believe that I could give more worthwhile arguments than the one's in your discussion above.

Furthermore, look what I did with my quote above. Immediately you feel estranged because I'm citing something 'non-Christian', but you don't consider that I have to cringe every time I read 5000 year old earth. I'd rather just spend my energy giving arguments against science-fanboys than wasting energy on that.

Dunno if you get what I'm trying to say(?). 

I do, I totally do, and here is how I see it. First of all I want to understand why your points are leaps better than the other counter-arguments brought up to date. That would help me to realize that there is a lot of pretense science, for me to grow. Then, I would be interested in the actual, real counterarguments that actually tackle the issue more accurately.

And lastly, I didn't cringe when you mentioned the 'non-Christian' citing. I just wanted to clarify that my point was relating more to modern science. Don't know what made you think I cringed :)

Don't think my arguments are 'better', but only that they would have more impact since they are based on the very belief system that these fanatics so religiously follow - science.

Otherwise, I would say we're cool and we can drop the rest of it - I get your drift B-)