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sapphi_snake said:
osamanobama said:

there you go again, instead of thinking, you regurgatate mindless, dronelike dribble.

how, in that entire film did you conjure up, anybody being racist, sexist, or homophobic. you make things up, you are close minded and bigoted against people with different views than you. if they are conservative they are sexist, racist, homphobic (though history shows that has also been liberals).

noone in that film showed any ill will to people that are different from them.

do you want to know what is racist, sexist, and homphobic. is affrimative action, institution speciffically targeting one of those groups, and have a desperate impact on the excluding groups.

Are insults your best arguments? 'Cause that certainly doesn't surprise me considering the type of person this is coming from.

What views are not accepted in universities, if not views that are considered hateful (sexism, racism, homophobia etc.)? What other people can feel "victimised" for their views, if not racists, misogynists and homophobes? Are universities promoting only one interpretation of a literature text? Are universitites only promoting view regarding some physics concept, and persecuting anyone who thinks differently? Were any of the "victims" from that documentary saying: "my physics proffesor discriminated against me due to my holding a different view than him regarding string theory"? No, they were not complaining about that.

Again, your views aren't singled out because they're "different", but because they're faulty. Any well argumented (non-hateful) view is accepted in an academic setting.

An english literature professor I had went into a 15 minute bigoted rant against evangelical christians that would have been considered hate speech in Canada if it were any non-christian religion she was talking about. Don't make any assumptions that when progressive individuals talk about "Tolerance" that they really intend to tolerate anyone's beliefs or views other than the ones they arbitrarily decide are in need of protection. Much like how the most vocal anti-gay crusaders have a nasty habit of turning out to be homosexual, quite often the most vocal tollerance-crusaders turn out to have the most bigoted world view; and this can be explained by a psychological defence mechanism called reaction formation (