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sapphi_snake said:
osamanobama said:

you sound like liberal proffessors.

and your claim that right wingers are racist is just laughable at best. need i remind you of woodrow wilson, Frankiln Roosevelt, LBJ.

stop acting like you know anything about our politics and educational system, you are very very ignorant on the subject. 

and for you to say the bolded is just despicable, and prooves how close minded and hypocritical liberals are. where did he give any indication, that he is some how racist, sexist, or homophobic. 

you act lack how all liberals act, like there cant be any possible reasonable way someone can have a different view than you, and therefor is wrong and must be shutdown.

just look up the organization F.I.R.E. over 85% of their cases regard conservatives being persecuted.

and for you to say that what universities do is akin to what families, and churches do is very disigenuous

Well, I'm sure that sounding like a liberal proffesor is better than sounding like an illiterate hillbilly. When people in that documentary say "they don't accept other views", they mean "they don't accept my racism, or sexism, or homophobia". 

you act lack how all liberals act, like there cant be any possible reasonable way someone can have a different view than you, and therefor is wrong and must be shutdown.

People like you love acting as if they're some sort of victims, because your hateful beliefs (unsupported by logic and strong arguments), aren't tolerated. It's not the fact that your views are "different" which makes your views be the source of criticism, but the fact that they're illogical and hateful. You think that an opinion should be respected due to the fact that... it's an opinion (as if that quality magically makes it valid), but if you want a view your opinions to hold any weight, you're gonna have to find actual arguments to support them, and stop acting like a victim (which is laughable, considering that you're part of the "ruling class").

there you go again, instead of thinking, you regurgatate mindless, dronelike dribble.

how, in that entire film did you conjure up, anybody being racist, sexist, or homophobic. you make things up, you are close minded and bigoted against people with different views than you. if they are conservative they are sexist, racist, homphobic (though history shows that has also been liberals).

noone in that film showed any ill will to people that are different from them.

do you want to know what is racist, sexist, and homphobic. is affrimative action, institution speciffically targeting one of those groups, and have a desperate impact on the excluding groups.