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sapphi_snake said:
osamanobama said:

i suggest you watch these videos. whhat happens in Universities is undeniable, to say other wise is, well... anti-intellectuall. to use your own words

All educational systems practice indoctrination. And it's not only limited to educational systems.  Through culture every human being is indoctrinated with certain aspects that he is told are "natural", "normal" etc. This happens in the household, schools, TV, cartoons etc. Religions also indoctrinate people, on a level much worse than anythign else, and I don't see that many people outraged about that.

As for that documentary, it's a film created by a right winger, who carefully selects his cases, and uses editing techniques to fulfill his agenda. He takes a small fraction of reality, which is really an isolated situation, and presents it as if it reflects what generally happens. Even actual serious studies have said that only a small number of proffesors would sanction their students for holding certain beliefs. Another problem with this films is the issues it's dealign with: race, gender, sexual orientation etc. Appearently he's part of the "I want you to tolerate my lack of tolerence" club.

From my experience, generally in universities any opinion is accepted as long as it's strongly argumented, however people on the conservative side dislike this because some of their opinions simply are not supported by strong rational arguments (racism, misogynism, homophobia). Also, ther are issuses which accept a variety of opinions (for example the interpretation of a poem) and those which do not  (you can't simoltaneously accept the view that all races are equal and the view that same races are more developed than others, for example).

you sound like liberal proffessors.

and your claim that right wingers are racist is just laughable at best. need i remind you of woodrow wilson, Frankiln Roosevelt, LBJ.

stop acting like you know anything about our politics and educational system, you are very very ignorant on the subject. 

and for you to say the bolded is just despicable, and prooves how close minded and hypocritical liberals are. where did he give any indication, that he is some how racist, sexist, or homophobic. 

you act lack how all liberals act, like there cant be any possible reasonable way someone can have a different view than you, and therefor is wrong and must be shutdown.

just look up the organization F.I.R.E. over 85% of their cases regard conservatives being persecuted.

and for you to say that what universities do is akin to what families, and churches do is very disigenuous