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Mr Khan said:
osamanobama said:
sapphi_snake said:
osamanobama said:

liberals (in america) are completely inconsistant in what they value as rights, it constintly changes in order to gain a bigger voter base. they pander and change just so they can get votes.

and in our country our rights are God given, not by government

Welcome to general politics. And in your country your rights are given by the Government. No religion is promoted, nor any deity endorsed.

perhaps you should read up on our founding documents. religion is an entegril part of it. and they specifically say our rights are God given. not by government, becasue gevernment is made up of men, and if the rights are given by man, they can be taken away.

ps: separation of church and state isnt in our constitution, no where.

the first amendment was made to protect religion from government. also did you know it is lawful for states to have a state religion. also its not freedom from religion (which you would very much like to have, well really only christianity). its freedom of religion. 

It is not lawful for states to run their own religion. Years of judicial precedent stand in the way there, and the constitution has (as it very well should) a much different meaning today than it did in the founders' time, which is likely what they intended, given that it was originally a document to ease the facilitation of government and not to hinder it, with the Bill of Rights in there as a compromise

Sapphi's also Romanian, so you're barking up the wrong tree there.

well states had their own religion even after the constitution. but im have to disagre with you on so many levels. the constitution today is the same as back then.

aslso i know he is not from here, and i told him many times to stop acting like he knows what he is talking about when it somes to the US political climate, our news, our government and our universities