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sapphi_snake said:
osamanobama said:

i couldnt be more serious.

and yes universities do indoctrinate. 97% of proffessors are liberals. they push their ideology on student, and punish those with differeing views (you might not experience this because youre not in America). they have no fear of repercusions because of tenure.  and colleges get favorable treatment by our government becasue they push out (liberal) voters and politicians. they get a constant base, and in turn "help" te universities. incompetent proffessors dont get fired and get away with everythiing.

as for the other thing, i suggest you watch our news. its apparrent that you do not

aslo for you other posts. modern day conservates (not establishment conservatives, im talking new tea party ones) stand for individual freedom, thats why liberatarians have teamed up with them.

since about a hundred years ago, starting back with woodrow wilson (some could argue TR) the liberal idealogy got hijacked by the progressive. they stand for inti democracy (including censor ship of other ideas, ex. your only a bigot or close minded if you disagree with them), anti-freedom, pro-totalitarian governement.

as for the topic at hand, i suggest you read liberal fascism, by Jonah Goldberg

The worse media outlet existent in your country is by far Fox News, though I hope all the scandals involving Rupert Murdoch and the misinformation and other illegal activities his media empire is doing wake people up (though I think it's too late for the Fox News lovers).

And while I usually tend to ignore all aspects other than the substance of a post, I think it's appropriate (given the topic) to point out that anti-intellectualism has taken its toll on you.

what murdock has done has no baring on Fox news reporting. (and if you really want to get into that i can destroy you with George Soros, Jerrery emmelt, and Zucker).

its very evident that you dont watch our news, or have a basic understanding of our political climate. you choose to live in ignorance because you do not wish to think for your self, but instead follow the establishment progressive line of thinking, under the geise of calling it intellectuallism. please inlighten yourself and visit some of our universities, like public sector unions they are in bed with government, thy get liberal politicians elected by raising money, in turn the politicians give them money, and other favorable treatment, and the liberals get a constant voter base from the indoctronation centers. 

the media refuses to to any investigative juornalism, they dont cover stories, and distort the truth to keep people like obama in office. they work for him essentially. people like you (though you dont know much) have a vendetta against Fox because they are the only news agency the presents a point of view that doesnt get a tingle up their leg when obama speaks. watch Fox business and you might learn something about economics too.