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Mr Khan said:
badgenome said:
Mr Khan said:
badgenome said:
sethnintendo said:

I'm just wondering what tax hikes you are talking about? 

The tax hikes the Democrats want as a part of the debt ceiling deal, of course. I'm not sure why you're confused about that. Brooks says Republicans are being foolish and fanatical not to take the Democrats' offer, but this is an old game. Until Democrats offer specific cuts, promising $3 or 4 trillion (or even $40 trillion) in theoretical cuts down the line means nothing.

I thought they had at least some specific cuts up there, one i recall being closing down a loophole for double coverage under Medicare's Prescription Drug program

They may have had some, but they haven't come out with anything resembling a plan. And as always, it's hard to take anything they say seriously when it's the same old "We can identify billions in Medicare fraud and waste!" song and dance. Oh really? Well, if you can do that, then you should have fixed that shit a long time ago, you driveling dickbags. The fact that they tolerate such a thing until they can use it as a bargaining chip may be the single most maddening thing about this entire debate.

I would think that they have to say they're going to cut waste (even if they were seriously planning on cutting things that weren't waste), otherwise the AARP would be all over their ass quicker than a jackrabbit on a date

I agree that the comment is a snow job, but its to deceive entitlement-hardliners as much as it is to deceive the opposition

While we're in here, i'm going to disagree that Liberal is a set term, given that Liberal used to mean what is called today Libertarianism, and in the world today is still relativistic (like how European Center-Right parties are oriented at about the same place as the US Democrats are). The two stances are purely situational, like how, in the Soviet Union in the late '80s, there were "liberals" who valued freedom of worship and free-market economics, set against the conservative Stalinists, ultra-hard leftists of a Pol-Pot-ish variety

The only common strain in Liberalism is that it seeks either freedom or equality, it's just that those terms are equally relative, so modern American liberalism seeks a regulated market to promote economic equality and seeks social freedoms, as opposed to classical Liberals of other orientations

And also, lol at those who think that the vast majority of teachers/professors are liberal. I've had a healthy mix at college, and if anything my public school teachers back home were right-leaning (except when it came to organized labor). My Western Civilization professor actually taught the whole thing from an anti-Marxist perspective, my Bible Law professor, while having a very progressive view on Bible Law, also had bad things to say about Bill Clinton, my favorite political science professor is a raging Reaganite, my Philosophy 101 professor had a pro-war interpretation of Christianity, my Microeconomics professor was a social conservative trained in the seminary (though seemed to have more neutral leanings on economics itself), my Macro professor loved supply-side economics, and the guy who will be teaching me "International Modern Socialism" in the fall is fairly well known for his severe lack of political correctness, and my Stats professor seems to have a poor view of taxation

I pay attention to this sort of thing, and while the liberals have outnumbered the conservatives, it isn't by as much as you think, and certainly not a ridiculous 97% figure.

97% no... but in self reporting studies. 70% is about the spot.

Aside from which, you've mostly mentioned economics teachers, which yeah, tend to skew republican, because well economic evidence skews republican... a bible law proffessor...

which, since it has Bible in it i'm going to assume it has to do with religion...

You are just taking a lot of courses in the few disciplines that are supposed to be rightword leaning.

Generally all the research points to fairly heavy leftwing political bias.

Not sure it's actually an issue or not... but it's definitly there.