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oldschoolfool said:
TrevDaRev said:
The whole notion that Nintendo could never possibly lose a handheld battle is laughable. Yes, they've dominated the handheld market ever since they entered it, but, the PSP was the only handheld to give them any sort of challenge. People on here seem to bash and downgrade the PSP at every chance they get, 68+ million units sold speak for themselves. Sure, it isn't anywhere near the DS numbers, sure, it lost the battle against the DS, but, it's still here, and it's still selling. Give credit, where credit is due, Sony didn't go down with a whimper like many of the other challengers to Nintendo. The PSP wasn't a failure, no matter how hard some people try to make it out to be.

OT: This battle will be much closer, Sony has really impressed with the Vita, and lets not forget about the $250 price tag it carries. Software will be the major selling point for both systems, Nintendo will always have Mario and Zelda to fall back on, but, the Vita has a pretty damn good line-up so far. If Sony bring the kind of quality first party games to the Vita like they have done with the Ps3, it'll do just fine.

It did'nt beat the DS,that in itself makes it a failure,not matter how much it sold. lol

No it dosen't! Failure is based on more than whether you came first or not.