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One large world that you explore bit by bit, all of it inter-linked so you can gradually explore it on foot with your Pikmin, with you able to find different sites for your rocket/Pikmin onions the more you explore. Kind of like a Pikmin-ised version of Tallon IV, if you get my meaning. I'd like to see more ambitious landscapes available--with the massive jump in capability from GC to Wii U, I hope they really do push the scope and depth of the environments you can explore. Perhaps you start off in your typical forest area, with little rivers and twee environments, but as you progress more and more, and build more routes through the world with your Pikmin, you move onto lakes, deserts, swamps, rocky mountain like areas. Caves not as seperate, randomly generated dungeons, but areas you enter seamlessly from the rest of the world.

Also, make it look like this: