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If the film is legit, the guy didn't hit her on purpose. If you notice, he's in a conversation and has his back to her. He points at the very beginning. He is turning to point behind him and hits her accidentally. If it was on purpose, the guy should have gotten a beatdown, but if the clip is legit, he should have been arrested for felonious assault.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.