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mendozahotness said:
angelsaremyplaything said:

lol, Sony puts out 8+ great exclusives a year

If your subjective cut off point starts around the 65% aggregate. Plus we all know the 360 has more exclusives overall this year.

angelsaremyplaything said:

 the reason they don't reach numbers as high as gears and halo is because there's more of them

Plus they aren't nearly as compelling. Just filler, no killer.

Plus that doesn't explain the fact that GTA and CoD outsell PS3 exclusives as well if there are so many. It would be explained if you accept GTA and CoD are more compelling content than PS3 exclusives.

angelsaremyplaything said:

and why the hell do you care about sales more then quality of the game halo has been meh and gears 2 was just good, ps3 has alot better and alot more exclusives  

The quality of Halo and Gears and Forza are high, the fact that 2/3 of them have sold blockbuster status makes them even more unmissable. A 95% scoring game that sells 300,000 lifetime is less compelling than a 92% scoring game that sells 8 million. I like to play the unmissable games the most.

1. Um no ps3 has more exclusives this year, ps3 has a total of 33, 360 only has 19 on top of that 360 only has 2 non kinect retail exclusives, and the majority of 360s games is just shovelware, there's 1 good kinect game and 4 good xbla games and the retail 2 and thats it

2. They aren't more compelling just more popular, they get advertised the hell out they are familiar and everyone knoes exactly what they are getting, ps3 exclusives aren't advertised as much, they are diverse and  even the most advertised ones aren't advertised 1/20 as much as the games you mentioned so again you are just plain wrong, again

3. Oh please those scores were bought and again with the advertisement thing, if a ps3 exclusive  and a 360 exclusive both released at the same time both new IPs  and neither had advertising the ps3 exclusive  the ps3 exclusive would kick it's ass and would be far better