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@ Mr Khan

not when they're close subjective statements can't be wrong. If anyone really believes Ninty 1st party or Sony 1st party blow MS's out of the water than honestly thats just wrong. Why? Because they are close.

Someone can still prefer another consoles library sure but to seriously say at this point that MS's is much inferior is just dumb. Consumers are the ones who matter, not people who sit on forums. If every single poster on this website all decided that MS is fail and that Ninty and Sony rule the world it wouldn't change reality. Halo would still get rave reviews and sell 10 million units or more. Forza would still sell millions of units and get great reviews. Kinect titles would still sell millions of units. Fable would still be easily one of the best selling of all WRPG's.

In other words the people who run around trying to downplay MS's first party are rediculous, just as anyone who tried to downplay Sony or Ninty. Its a simple FACT that they are all close, and at the end of the day in terms of quality its simply subjective, unlike your comparisson with Ninty and MS's online. MS is VASTLY superior in that aspect so its not subjective.