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theprof00 said:
sales2099 said:
theprof00 said:
sales2099 said:
lol first off its one month out of dozens of months that passed this gen. relax

its also mostly due to the 360 windows 7 promotion.

and it all works out due to if these are inflated due to being shipped then next month will be lower as its all about trying to actually sell those shipped

but how many since inception has ms been counting? How many have they "given away" outside of the windows 7 promo, and what else is counted?

Also, where do the 360 replacements come from? The distributors?

I'm very curious as to their numbers when it appears currently that ps3 sells many more games.

ps3 sells more games? when there isnt any fresh releases the 360 usually comes out on top software it has done the entire gen mostly. 

its also not like ms is the only one giving away consoles. Sony has a free ps3 given to any rogers customer that buys 2 phones. They all do it. Some promos are just more successful then the other. 

Sorry, I mean attach rate. 360 sells more games, but ps3 sometimes beats it. At one point, I think it was 4 months of straight higher sales, but with significantly less hardware. The attach rate for ps3 is higher every year IIRC, and that doesn't make sense to me.

I could be completely wrong, since I've been out of the sales loop for a while, but I was pretty sure that ps3 was now beating 360 in overall attach rate, and beating it also for 2 straight years.

And I'm not saying MS is wrong for doing it. They all do it, believe me, I know. But MS is the better marketer. Your alluded offer is good at rogers, a retailer which I've never heard of. MS' offer is with any windows 7 700$ pc no matter what retailer in all of usa. I'm pretty sure that MS is "selling" a whole lot more than nintendo or sony. That's what I'm trying to get at. What's the discrepancy?

You have  to remember that ALOT more 360 failed then ps3s, and even with the (half ass) extended warrenty alot of poeple weren't covered or just got sick of sending it in and bought a new one from a retailer while keeping their collection