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o_O.Q said:
HappySqurriel said:
o_O.Q said:
Mad55 said:
o_O.Q said:
Mad55 said:
o_O.Q said:
HappySqurriel said:
While he may be techically correct, the PS Vita and PS3/PS4 will not be used like the Wii U on a wide scale because no developer can count on a PS3/PS4 owner having a PS Vita and vice versa. On top of that, the Wii U will probably be in a price range where the unit as a whole is close to half the price of the PS Vita and PS3/PS4 combined.

"the Wii U will probably be in a price range where the unit as a whole is close to half the price of the PS Vita and PS3/PS4 combined."

vita = $250, ps3 = $300 vita + ps3 = $550 / 2 = $225

i highly doubt the wii u will be this cheap i'd say probably  $350 - $400 

then if we factor in price drops of $50 - $100 off the ps3 before the wii u launches vita + ps3 = $450 - $500 ( which is much closer than your estimate )

i dont really think the wiiu will be 400, im thinking 300-350

also the ps3/vita thing depends on which version is gotten right

vita = $250, ps3 = $300 vita + ps3 = $550 / 2 = $225

vita 3g= $300, ps3-320gig = $350(ithink) vita + ps3 = $650 / 2 = $225=325

though regardless, if your really looking for that dual screen experience the wiiU is built around it so i see that as being the better bet.

"vita 3g= $300, ps3-320gig = $350(ithink) vita + ps3 = $650 / 2 = $225=325"

ps3s cost $300 now and i expect that the price will drop to $250 or $200 before the wii u launches

the wifi model is the most popular model ( among the comments i've seen) thats how i arrived at this $550 or $450 after price drops

also "i dont really think the wiiu will be 400, im thinking 300-350" really? the controller itself looks like it could cost over $100... ereaders like the kindle with black and white display, no cams, mics etc cost over $100 already is it really likely the controller on this thing will be less? and thats just the controller then theres the fact that nintendo prefers to gain profit  on their consoles unlike sony and microsoft

you think the controller cdosts over 100? i highly doubt that.

you can't pack that much features into a device and not expect its price to rise substantially as i said before ebook readers with far less features cost over $100

there must be a reason that nintendo ( known for profiting on most or all things they sell ) are reluctant to answer whether they will be available for retail

Ebook readers with far more features can also be picked up for less than $100 today, and likely will be far less in 18 months (when the Wii U is released) ...

Most ebook readers are expensive because they're based off of e-ink, but the noname manufactured color lcd touchscreen ebook readers are actually very inexpensive.

please provide me with an example... an example of what i described is the kindle - black and white screen, no touch, no cam, no mic etc still over $100




Edit: By the way, the kindle is the worst counter to my point ... It is a name brand ebook reader that is based on e-ink.

On top of that, the Kindle also demonstrates exactly my point about how quickly the price of components in these markets come down in price. What was once nearly $500 is now worse than what they are selling for slightly more than $100; and in 2 years what they're selling for $60 to $80 will probably be far better than we can by for $100 today.