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Cool, your a bit of a late bloomer, but you'll come to realise that life is a little bit better without Nintendo constantly bugging you and treating you like a child instead of a consumer. I came to the same realisation as you back in 2006, tried to give Nintendo another chance in 2008 and then just dropped them all together. I now play more games than I could ever want, I get introduced to new and interesting games nearly every month and ditching Nintendo was a great first step into online gaming. This is all from someone that was a major supporter of the N64 and the Gamecube and I've found that when a company doesn't attend to your needs then it's best just to move on. Just remember, your not obligated to follow Nintendo, you should just follow the company that's treating you the best.

Scottie wrote a patronising post, I wrote something similar once and I was banned for it, I'm just gonna take the wait and see approach, I doubt much will come out of it.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.