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padib said:

I understand your frustration. I too have had my share of discussions, and have found many morons on both camps. That won't stop me (not yet ;P). I know, I'm only 26 and have lots to learn, but for the moment I'm still open-minded. When the day comes that I'll have made up my mind and shut out all other idea (God forbid that ever happens), I too will cease to call myself open-minded. At least you're being honest. Can you appreciate that not all are honest, on both camps? Many people claim to be open-minded but they're not. There's much hypocrisy in this area of debate, enough to fill the atmosphere.

Of course there are bad apples in every orchyard. There have been discussions with people like those water-finders with their brands of sticks. Most of those people were "down to earth" honest people that truly believed they can find water just by wiggling some stick over some ground (in my part of the world, it also helps that no matter where you dig, you find water after at most a few meters). When they fail the scientific test, they all are truly nonplussed by the result. So far, 100% of the creatonists/flat earthers/etc.. I have seen/spoken with turned out to be people seriously deluded/dogmatic or snake-oil sales people. So my (closed-minded) hypothesis is: all are morons. After a while, you just give up on them (which of course poses the problem that if everyone gave up, suddenly we would find ourselves outnumbered and outmatched by morons). Sometimes I get myself into trouble when I suggest to read "A Handmaid's Tale" by M. Atwood when I run into one of those (particularly religius) dogmatic American people - another reason to no longer bother.