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I sold my 360 with Kinect this week and I got like 50 calls in 2 days. Most of the calls I got were women who were interrested in Kinect and Dance Central... my add had DC and Kinect Sports. The demand for Kinect and 360 is huge now I expect the sales to keep getting higher as we approach the holydays.

If you think about it, after E3, Microsoft secured the casuals for sure. All the games they presented, Disney Kinect, Star Wars Kinect, Dance Central 2, Kinect Sports 2 and a bunch of AAA exclusive core games like Forza 4, Halo RE, Gears 3, Witcher and to top it off a lot of people believe that games that has the Xbox logo at the end of a commercial is exclusive to 360... go figure.

I needed the money badly and sold my Elite, will buy a Slim later this year. I hope they make a Halo bundle like the Reach one.