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Wii tops hardware sales. Price cut made a decent impact. Nice call as always Pachter. I'm a little concerned about the lackluster 3DS sales, especially considering the US is supposed to be Nintendo's strongest market. I still contend that it merely needs a stronger library, as the DS initially did shortly after its release.

Edit: Whoops, I assumed the VGchartz numbers were NPD. To take a quote from Super Troopers, "I guess I'M the asshole." So it's even worse for Nintendo than I thought.. proves my point that pricecut is virtually meaningless without fresh new games to keep incentive to buy it in the first place. I am done defending Nintendo, as right now I truly feel they deserve this. Between the lackluster unveiling of Wii U and snubbing and alienating the Wii gamers, showing next to no games for it, not following through on their promise of motion plus games, or motion games in general for that matter, while NOA remains stubborn and refuses to acknowege Project Rainfall. I have had it up to here with Nintendo, and hopefully they learn from their mistakes like they did with the Gamecube, but hopefully it doesn't take them 10 years this time. They are fast becoming the next Sony of 2006 in the sheer magnitude of their mistakes and their arrogance, showing how out of touch they've grown with the mass market.