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@ non-gravity and Carl2291

My problem with the charts is just simple logic.

1st. You honestly expect me to believe Gears of War 3 doubled MW3's pre-orders this week? Give me a break. I'm a massive Gears fan and would love to see it crush MW3 but quite simply its not doubleing MW3's numbers. Not even close.

2nd. Uncharted 3 is in the middle of a massive pretty much open Beta and we don't even see a lift on its numbers? Really?

3rd. You expect me to believe games like Ghost Recon Future Soldier ( the highest selling game in the franchise is at barely over 2 million units ) Deus Ex ( A franchise with only 2 random off shoots on consoles previously and never a mainline game ) Batman Arkam City ( whose previous entry only sold 2 million units ) and Rage ( a brand new IP ) are outpreordering games like Halo CE ( whose lowest sales ever in franchise history is a RTS spin off by a totally different studeo and still managed to sell 2 million units and whose FPS entries have never sold lower than nearly 6 million units ) Forza 4 ( whose 360 versions have never sold less than 4 million ) in the 360's by far strongest territory.

Its simple logic, just like when Vgchartz had a Beyblade game as one of the most pre-ordered in the country or when Nascar Wii was pwning all the other games. The tracking is quite simply off. Again I don't mean this as a slight to the website because I think their console and software is pretty darn accurate but their pre-order methods just quite simply aren't right. Logic points to that.