This is off topic because it won't let me make a new thread because I only have like 20 posts.
Anyway I was wondering what everyone else thinks about which game I should buy.
1)resistance 2, I have the first one and have to play this one before the 3rd one comes out, but I'm not getting the 3rd one till Christmas.
2) darksiders - I have been looking at this game for about a month and I really like that genre and it got pretty good reviews and every user review I've seen has been positive
P.S. I am buying one of these games used on gamestop, R2 is 20 and darksiders is 18. And I am a power up rewards member so I can get 10% off. I normally buy new but since these are older games I don't think it's gonna be much of a loss to the developers considering they are making sequels to the games.