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Some facts about Pakistan:

Karachi is the second most populated city in the world and one of the world's largest cities.

The only muslim majority country to have nuclear weapons.

6th most populated country.

Temperatures can reach 48 degrees in the summer.

Southwestern Pakistan (along with Eastern Iran) is home to the critically endangered Asiatic Cheetah of which there are only 70-100 remaining. In the north, Snow Leopards can be found. All over Pakistan, rich and diverse wildlife can be found.

There are several mountain peaks above 7000m which attract many tourists and mountaineers from across the world.This includes the second largest mountain, the K2 mountain.

Lahore, the city I come from is said to be 4000 years old making it one of the oldest cities. The age of this city can be compared to the likes of Hebron, Gaza and Istanbul. According to oral tradition, Lahore was founded by the son of Rama, a Hindu deity.

Pakistani squash player Jahangir Khan is the greatest player in the history of the game.

Pakistan is home to many people of different beliefs. Millions of Christians and Hindus are proud citizens of Pakistan as well as large communities of Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahai's, Zoroastrians, Animists and Irreligious. There used to be decent communities of Jews however most have migrated to Israel. Everyone is free to practise their beliefs and to propagate them.

We produce 3% of the world's wheat and are the 3rd largest producer of wheat in Asia.

Fourth largest coal reserve in the world.

2nd largest salt mine.

5th largest gold mine.

7th largest copper mine.

Pakistani cuisine is one of the best if not the best.

We are famous for our hospitality

Pakistan is still standing on it's feet and going strong despite the massive corruption and plundering of it's resources and money. We hope this will change with 2013 elections.