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Player1x3 said:

I guess lots of scientific thoeries are also irrational because they are not proven right.Faith too plays a big role in science

No, because theories are based on known facts. If a theory is not based on facts or ignores contradictory facts then it is not a sound scientific theory in the first place and belief in it would be irrational. Belief in a discredited scientific theory (like phlogistons) is also irrational as while it might have been rational to accept it at some point in time when it was the best explanation we had explaining the facts as we knew them then, further discoveries proving it to be wrong (like experimenting on heating metals finding out they gained mass, thus disproving the phlogiston theory) invalidate the theory and make further belief in it irrational.  

Religious beliefs are beliefs that something is true in the absence of evidence (or possibly despite evidence agaisnt it) whereas scientific theories are more like the best explanation we can come up with to explain the facts as we know them. As our knowledge of the world expands, our understanding of it grow and our theories either grow more complex to explain that increase in knowledge or get rejected if they contradict the world as we know it.

To put it another way, no scientific theories are even proven right, they are merely the best and simplest way to explain the world that has not been proven wrong.

If somebody wants to challenge the big bang theory, he can, but his theory will have to explain all the things we know that led us to that set of theories and be simpler (Occam's razor). Theories calling themselves scientific and including a god or other higher power fail because they are more complicated due to including that big great ultra complicated thing.

Player1x3 said:

Anyway, since this is a ''evidence'' debate, I am gonna say the same thing to you I say to every person when this kind of debate pops up. I dont ''believe'' or ''hope'' that God exists. I KNOW that God exist. How? Well, thats the tricky part. You (at least i) have to believe to see, not see to believe. And that differs from person to person. You choose the way. Thats why god gave us free will. God would NEVER allow humans to prove him or disprove him using reason scientific knowledge, its up to you and you alone weather you want to beleive in God or not. Thats why God gave us free will. He SPECIFICALLY created (or designed, if you will) man with free will and the ability to choose so that we could choose.        

This paragraph is higly contradictory as you claim that you do not believe god exist but know it then you claim that it is up to each if the want to believe. Obviously you chose that you want to believe but choosing to believe is still a belief, not knowledge. If you had chosen to believe in unicorns you would still be beieving in them, you wouldn't know taht they exist.

Besides, I must confess: I do not believe in gravity, evolution or the big bang.

Why am are arguing for them then?

Because if I jump, I fall back to earth and what I believe is that Newton' s theory of gravity is the third best explanation of that phenomenum and that it was the best explanation when it was first proposed. Since then it was proven incomplete by Einstein who gave us a better explanation with special erlativity and another even better explanation with general relativity. Maybe another scientist in the future will give us yet another explanation that is even better but it doesn't change the fact that I have no need to believe in gravity itself, I can experience it myself and believe that the current prevailing theoreis about it are the most likely explanation.

Same with evolution and the big bang. I do not so much believe in them as believe that they are the best explanation we have come up with so far. I hope you understand the difference

Other people might believe in those theories like people believe in religious belief but then I would agree with you that this belief is irrational as while it is based on evidence they go further than that and take that leap of faith into irrationality.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"