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Player1x3 said:I guess lots of scientific thoeries are also irrational because they are not proven right.Faith too plays a big role in science

Anyway, since this is a ''evidence'' debate, I am gonna say the same thing to you I say to every person when this kind of debate pops up. I dont ''believe'' or ''hope'' that God exists. I KNOW that God exist. How? Well, thats the tricky part. You (at least i) have to believe to see, not see to believe. And that differs from person to person. You choose the way. Thats why god gave us free will. God would NEVER allow humans to prove him or disprove him using reason scientific knowledge, its up to you and you alone weather you want to beleive in God or not. Thats why God gave us free will. He SPECIFICALLY created (or designed, if you will) man with free will and the ability to choose so that we could choose.       

lol, believe to see. If I tell myself all the time "smurf exist! smurf exist!", than I will "know" at some point that they exist. That's similar to how hypnosis works; if you let it happen, you may believe that you are Elvis...

And no, you don't choose to be anything. If somebody is raised as a muslim, did he choose to be a muslim? No! If somebody never heard of any god, did he choose to not believe in any god? No! A skeptical person like me has a bigger chance to be an atheist than a naive one. And I didn't choose to be a skeptical person, but I'm very happy that I am! It helps me to be open, moral and free! 

This system of faith has so many mistakes, a perfect being wouldn't come up with it. Just like the bible, it was made by humans, many years ago...