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I got more of your second post than of your first! :D

What you mean is that evolution is like a false perception? So, complexity is the same, but, for example, the pattern is what changes. Is this it?
That sounds to me like the relation between essence and existence: where essence informs the other and lives through the other despite the changes in existence. It`s just the realization of the first.

Hope i`m getting this right! :D


Edit: About the propaganda. Actually that`s pretty natural and obvious. As Kasz said in another topic about Thomas Kuhn work - i think - even scientists live science besides the facts.
You will always find that scientists have hope or "faith" in what may come of a theory or science in general. Even without knowing they tend more for one side than the other, and it`s not all because of the facts. Even Einstein made the mistake of being partial about it.