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padib said:
There is no proof of God's existence, no proof of his non-existence, no proof of evolution, for all things there is only evidence and interpretation. Some based on true and some based on false assumptions.

Here is what I believe, at my deepest core. I believe in God as my creator, yes, the God of the bible. I believe we misunderstand alot of his intent in many OT passages. I also believe we don't understand at what point we've enraged God in many of those situations and did actually deserve death in his eyes. And no, we're not justified for those. That kind of self-humbling attitude is very scarce in our time, everyone is just so full of themselves, myself included. That's the sin that leads to death, the hardening of the heart...

The quiet truth is really simpler than you can imagine.
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." -Jeremiah 29:13
The mind and intelligence is secondary to the heart in understanding the greater questions of life. The mind gets lost in puzzles, but the heart understands deep truths the mind could never understand on its own. Things like regretting selfish deeds, repenting from evil deeds, admitting evil deeds, letting go of selfish ambitions, opening up selflessly to your neighbor, being broken and vulnerable to your neighbor. The mind can only go so far, but it's the heart that can fly. It's like trying to take a car from Montreal to Paris. You'll never make it.

In the movie Expelled by Ben Stein, Richard Dawkins was asked, “What if you are wrong and you meet God when you die, what will you say to him?”

See his answer in the thread below. Sadly for him, he is lost in the puzzles and will only make it with a change of heart.

Alot of atheists I've run into admit they are very sad to believe in what they believe, because it has absolutely no purpose. If it were at least true then I can understand. But the tragedy is that their sacrifice is vain. It is based on a lie, and they will pay bitterly, at the great grievance of God... A lot of you here go a way's length to assert that God doesn't exist. If you were honest, you would at least admit there was a chance you were wrong. Is it pride that stops you? Fear? People use God's name for evil, does it make God evil? Does a butterknife become a universally evil tool if used by someone to stab an innocent victim?

I'm done calling out to the hearts of some of you. To get technical again...

Little question: has genetic evolution been proven, in that you can add information to the genetic pool that adds complexity to the organism? Have any of you heard of information theory?
See section: "The five levels of information".
To duplicate genetic code does not increase complexity.

I don`t understand that technical part but that was really well said! Oh, don`t give up! ;)