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Allfreedom99 said:
Rath said:
Allfreedom99 said:

I'm sorry for the length of this post, but I think it sheds light on this subject if you read what I have to say...This topic as seen will always ignite debates with different belief systems. Of course everyone is entitled to their belief system but ultimately something happened that caused us to exist. So the question will always be asked.

I am seeing some on here imply that the existence of God contradicts Science and that it is impossible for one to believe in a God if they adhere completely to Science. This is ABSOLUTELY false. I will explain my viewpoint. One can indeed believe in God as well as adhere to Science.

Science indeed will always be science. Man will continually learn more of what Science already knows as science develops with new tools, new methods, and new events allowing for man to study science using mathematics, physics, ect. I concur that Science has yet to disprove that a higher power exists. Also we must say that man using Science cannot simply use a platform that captures the energy of a higher being that they can use the scientific method on. All a Scientist can do when trying to answer the question of if God exists is base the result on circumstantial evidence they can gather in the universe for the basics of life to exist.

When you take the question of where the universe began you have to look at when and how it all began. We ultimately have two options to choose from here.

1. In the beginning there was only space, time, and gravity that existed. From a singular point over an undetermined amount of time the universe began to be formed. (Without an intelligent being through mathematical possibilities and chance)

2. In the beginning a vastly intelligent and powerful being either began the process or created everything we know in the universe. (With a vastly intelligent being).

So you have to choose which option you will go. No matter what theory you come up with  on how the universe began you will always get to the starting point when it was either an intelligent being or only space, time, gravity that started the universe through mathematical possibilities. To use Science one must have logic. Without logic existing there would be no understanding of Science, nor any way to utilize mathematics at all.

My argument is that we by no means can have what exists today without some kind of intelligent being that set these things in place.

One of the stumbling blocks for any explanation of the universe without an intelligent designer is the fact that we have logic. Time and Time again you cannot put dead matter into a test environment and eventually come out with something that has obtained logic. Science proves this, does it not? There are many other factors I could discuss but based on the existence of logic alone that is absolute evidence of an intelligent creator whom we would refer to as God of the Universe.

Why space, time and gravity?

Space-time is the first four dimensions of our universe and there is no reason to think it has to exist outside of it and gravity is one of four forces - why would that exist outside the universe and why would the other three be excluded (although at the start of the universe according to supersymmetry they were a single unified force).

If you are talking about electromagnetic, strong force, and weak force I did not necissarily mean to exclude those from the theory. My main argument is that I just dont see where the properties, laws of the universe, and matter within the universe can come about through a singular point without any direction or set code formed by a vastly intelligent higher being. Even for the first living cell to form through chemical reactions I just dont see how that living cell would have the properties and code to split and recreate itself without some form of intelligence designing that code for the living cell. This is part why I claim that having a universe where laws and forms of order exist without God is a contradiction, even though Im guessing it sounds ridiculous to you based on your posts. 

Well consider the possibility of infinite universes with essentially random properties - the vast majority of these universes are unable to ever support life - in many matter doesn't form, others collapse quickly under their own gravity back into a singularity. In one of these universes the laws of physics are just right for life to eventually form, evolve and become intelligent. That intelligent life then asks 'why do all of the universal constants seem perfect for life?'.