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Potable_Toe said:
chris.m95 said:
An english man made the first ever plane not america. Unfortunately it is forgotten as although the plane flew it wasn't powered by and engine (that was the wright brothers)

If you are talking about Percy Pilcher you are half right. He did invent the first Aeroplane but it was indeed powered by an engine, unfortunately on the day that he had intended to show it off to investors the engine broke-down. Being unable to fix the engine in time he decided that he would at the very least put on a performance with his gliders, being a fairly famous expert glider at the time, during his demostration however the wing on his glider broke and he fell 50' and died meaning that he was never rightly credited for his invention. Recently though his plans were rediscovered and made exactly to specification, the resultant aeorplane worked. Interestingly not only did it work but it was far more efficient and capable than the Wright brothers later version flying for 26 seconds longer whilst in 'dead calm' conditions.



This guy was from yorkshire and made a glider back in the 1800's. it was the first ever "flying machine"

Wait... does this mean im not human?

PSN addy - mrx95

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A radical is a man with his feet planted firmly in the air. - Franklin.D.Roosevelt