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Something else I wanted to add. This may not be the case with all, but from my experience it seems that many individuals who think the idea of a higher being "God" is just totally strange and ridiculous is very much based in what their perception of "God" would be. They can't understand why a "higher being" would exist and why God would go to the trouble of creating the universe, life, ect. and what the sense is in a higher being existing. I think partly they also fear the existence of such a being with so much power.
Maybe they percieve God as some old bearded man in a white robe sitting in a chair in the clouds. Which is only a picture man has given, which Im sure is far from accurate. I think a lot of it has to do with how you percieve who this higher being is. I think the unkown is scary to some people and they dont want to believe such a being could possibly exist, but IMO it couldnt be more evident that such a vastly powerful being does exist.