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sapphi_snake said:
Allfreedom99 said:

Logic isn't something that exists? you must not be understanding me. You have logic and I have logic. We have the ability to give and experience reasoning. To discern and understand. yes, logic is something that exists. No scientific test that I am aware of suggests that dead matter will eventually obtain understanding, and the ability to reason. Dead matter is dead matter. You and I have the ability to understand and discern, because we were designed that way. If we look to Science then a universe with no intelligence to begin it is impossible.

You say I am giving limited possibilities, then what other possibilities do you suggest to explain the beginnings of our universe?

No, we have the mental capacity to utilise the tool that is called "logic". It is not something that exists independently. Also, the question you asked me, which I have put in italics, is so ridiculous given the extremely limited (yes, this is the truth) knowledge humans have of the universe, coupled with the inability to escape culture, and the reality it creates. I don't know much regarding the beginnings of the universe. It happened a long time ago, and I was not there to see it. Maybe sometime in the future people will develop a method to answer all these questions, but it ain't happening anytime soon, and quite frankly whatever answer I could provide you would be an assumption (more or less baseless, and probabyl proven wrong eventually).

It seems you are ignoring what i am meaning. Regardless, we have the ability to understand, discern and use logic. This is my whole point, that the universe would not exist without intelligence. Space, time, and gravity does not possess intelligence or the ability to use Logic in and of themselves. The Universe and life cannot begin without it.

Science will continue to develop using new methods and new tools. Some scientists have tried to take God out of the equation, but in the reality if we were living in a universe without an intelligent being it would be a complete contradiction. Yes there are countless theories and possibilities that people will claim, but honestly IMO the most logical one will always be that an intelligent being designed our universe the way it is with order and gave us the ability to use logic in our understanding.