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PS3 : 563.000  

360 : 589.000


Data for video game sales in France are still as 
Rare, it welcomes a small article published summary 
In the latest edition of Les Echos. The outcome is worrying for 
Microsoft, the PS3 is on the verge of exceeding the Xbox 360 in terms 
Of units sold. 

Specifically, it would have sold 563,000 in France since PS3 
The appearance of the console on the shelves. The 360 would still 
Head, but very little, with 589,000 units. According to figures provided 
By the GfK institute, during the holiday season that the PS3 
Would have considerably narrowed the gap, with the advantage of the recent 
Lower prices and a catalogue provided a little more. The data that 
Evil, of course, is the difference between the release dates of 
Two machines: the Xbox 360 was launched in France a year and 
Four months earlier that the new Playstation. If the trend remains 
The same, the latter is expected to double during its competitor 
Coming weeks. 

"By selling, on average, three times more than PS3 by Xbox 360 
Week, it took precedence over Microsoft confirms Georges Fornay, 
Vice president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. 

As for Microsoft, we prefer to select only the fact that the 360 is 
Ever before. 

"Sony is in catch-up mode, but we maintain market leadership 
According to our data, even in France "assures Francois Ruault, director 
Of the leisure section of Microsoft in France. 

The duel PS3/Xbox 360, whatever its outcome, however, takes place 
Good distance from the success of the Wii, which for its part has already passed the 

Threshold million units sold in France.