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SpartenOmega117 said:

I've been thinking about this a long time and I came tot he conclusion there has to be a God (I follow Islam BTW). There are a lot of loose ends in Science today that just can't be explained. What caused there to be a Big bang? Was there a big bang or is it just something that scientists threw out there because it could not be explained? The qur an states that the universe is expanding. Where did Humans come from? Most scientists of course believe in evolution that humans likely evolved from primates.I personally believe in evolution as well since its obviously happening around us in the modern day. But there was always a loose end (from what I know) in connecting humans to primates. A final skeleton was never found to connect humans to primate to confirm humans evolved from monkeys. And that is again where most people and even some scientists believe God is the answer. Religion also carries the answers to a lot of loose ends that scientists have today. Its just that scientists are not ready to accept defeat (which is commendable). For example in the qur an it was mentioned that the Earth was round and it revolved around the sun (in a time period where most believed the earth was flat and everything revolved around. The book even mentions the possibility of alien life from its first verse.

So basically in the end the point is religion is a faith. You really have to believe it. It does carry a lot of answers that scientist are struggling to find today. However most scientist believe in just numbers and how they can solve everything. However the fact is that numbers are not able to prove God exists since numbers themselves are just a pattern scientists found to explain many things. So OP you basically have to decide.

/my 2 cents

read this if you want some more detail-

Asalamualaikum SpartanOmega117

There is a large difference between religion and science. One is absolute and relies on faith. The other is based on theories, gathering evidence, experimenting, trial and error and ultimately proving the theory BUT recognising not everything is absolute.

You have to understand homo sapeins have only been on Earth for about 100,000 years (based on science, a lot less based on some religious texts). Of those 100,000 years it's only the last few hundred years have we really started to grasp the cosmos and life on earth. Human science has been advancing at a tremendous rate and continues to do so. We can see (or read) billions of light years away into the Universe, we can navigate to the deepest parts of the Ocean and every day we are answering questions and finding new ones because that's what we curious humans do. We pursue knowledge relentlessly looking for answers and it will never stop (unless we destroy ourselves). Just because we don't know the answer to something now doesn't mean it will deter us from trying to. That's the beauty of science.

Now onto religion, it cannot even be compared to science. Totally different catergories. Science has yet to find say the missing link but they are getting there piece by piece and will keep looking. But have you examined what religion has to say on the matter?

Btw the link you provided has done your position a great disservice. It destroys Islam from all angles including the claim the Qu'ran mentions the earth is round.