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blkfish92 said:
chocoloco said:
blkfish92 said:
All political leaders lie in order to get into power.

That is not something I think anyone would dispute since all people lie. The issue also comes down to things like going against the will of the people that voted to have medical marijuana laws in place. I just put the word lie in the title because it draws attention especially to those who hate Obama or those who really love him. You got to title things in ways that people will notice.

All people do indeed lie, but when it's to get some sort of powerful position they usually make false promises or even acqusations against other people attempting to gain power. Point being I'm not slaming on Obama, he's doing a pretty good job, I mean that bailout for GM actually worked that is rather iimpresive.

The GM bailout worked because GM unlike most of everywhere else was that there problems weren't systematic.   By the time they asked for the bailout money they already handled their systematic problems and just needed some "holdover" money.

I suggest reading

or the Short version

What Wagoner meant in his testimony before the Senate, in other words, was something like this:  "At G.M., we are finally producing world-class cars. We have brought our costs, quality, and productivity into line with those of our competitors. We have finally disposed of the crippling burden of our legacy retiree costs. We have expanded into the world's fastest-growing markets more effectively than any other company in the United States. But the effort required to bring about that transformation has left our balance sheet thin—and, at the very moment that we need a couple of years of normal economic activity to refill our coffers, auto sales have fallen off a cliff. Do you mind giving us a hand until things get back to normal?"