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Didnt play it.

why? because i felt kinda... cheated?


i bought Dragon Age for a nice ammount of money, and today, i would have gotten it for half the price, with three times the content in a nice collection called Ultimate Edition.

i mean, as a console gamer, you paid 60$ for DA, and an additional 40$ for awakening. The Ultimate Edition is 40$, containing the Main Game, Awakening, + 7 other DLC's.


so yeah, ill get DA2 eventually, but i wait until the Games price is 20$ or they announce a collection with dlc.


on top, of course, DA2 didnt offer as much as DA did right from the start. (I am fine with reused visuals, but you had more of everything i DA:O,and thats kinda.. sad?)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!