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Traditional nuclear weapon won't be launch anytime soon, they are not fitted for warfare.

Tensions in the world actually arise and will arise mostly for land and their ressources (raw material, gas, water...), the problem with nuke weapon is that they don't allow you to occupy the land you just nuke because you turn it desert. Still, they could only be use at last ressort to avoid people to benefit from the land they just take/occupy. But such invasion will be likely condemmed by the UN and could be sorted before go to such extrem.

And don't think terrorist group can take and use one, they are so complex and traced that it will be complicate to first get one and second plant it where you want to, even more on foreign countries. Terrorist groups are less to be fear for the nuclear weapon they can get than for the "dirty bombs". It will be more easy for them to get the material for these ones and are likely to make much more damage because of the radioactive pollution they could create.

But we must first concentrate ourselves on the way to entertain people, for video games to live. Else, it's a world where sales representative will win, which has as effect to kill creativity. I want to say to the creators all around the world:"Courage, Dare!". Shigeru Miyamoto.