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In addition to my last post, I would add that such a finding would be like finding a needle in a haystack. That's not to say it's rare, at least not in terms of sheer numbers. But if you think of the massive scale of our universe (litterally we cannot wrap our feeble minds around it), there could be thousands, if not MILLIONS of planets with intelligent life of some sort out there, and we could never find it, or at least not in the forseeable future. Just think how massive our one solitary galaxy, The Milky Way, is. It is 100000 light years in diameter. Then think of billions more like it, and it becomes more clear as to why we haven't found any intelligent life, and probably won't for a long long time. It will probably take us at least until we colonize other planets, if not other solar systems, and greatly expand our reach throughout the galaxy, Star Wars style.