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Bodhesatva said:
your mother said:

Yeah, seems to still be a ways off from normalization, but it does seem to be starting. In your case, I'd say another few months, but I don't think your shop will continue selling out by Christmas - I think it will spike during summer vacation, slump/normalize around September (going back to school?), then spike again for the Christmas shopping frenzy.


In any case, perhaps you should start doing your own chart tracking and post your numbers in an excel file or something - could be interesting.

What numbers do you have for the PS3 and 360? Anything at all?

Yes, I haven't sold any of either for over a week. Specifically, I recieved a shipment of both systems on February 4th. The PS3 shipment was 16 systems, the Xbox360 shipment 20 systems. I've sold all but 4 of my PS3s, and all but 2 of my Xbox360s. This means I've sold 12 PS3s (this is net, however, since I had some returned) and 18 Xbox360s. That's slightly less than 1 PS3 a week and 1.5 Xbox360s a week.

Thanks for the update. Appreciate it if you kept this going!

We all know the runaway success that the Wii is currently experiencing, but what is truly worrying is the PS3's dismal sales. Even the 360 outsells the PS3 at your retail outlet by a rough average of 50% (discounting returns of course).