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richardhutnik said:

will this end up eliminating drug addiction?

Eliminate? No. But some light drugs users might become heavier users after becoming unemployed (which, will also result in greater crime). Unemployment will go down as a result of tax cuts. Many libertarians, like myself, also want drug legalization... which has proven to result in lower drug addiction. The reduction in Government spending from ending the War on Drugs could also help facilitate the tax cut.

will this end the threat of terror by political extremists?

Many home-grown terrorists come from economically deprived areas. Reduce taxes, allow the local economies to grow, and you will see a reduction in home-grown terrorists. Many international terrorist organizations are also funded by the illegal drugs trade. Ending of the war on drugs reduces the war on terror

will this raise literacy rates?

Cutting taxes in themselves won't do much for the education system. However, reforming the system, taking it down to state and local levels, allowing for greater private education (through voucher systems, etc) will see a greater result from education for less money.

As for adult literacy... I'm going to go out on a whim, here, and say that adults that are illiterate are going to be in the bottom section of earners... therefore, they are the ones who are hit hardest by taxes, cutting taxes will give them greater opportunity to reduce their hours (and keep the same overall income) and attend adult education, if they so choose to do so.

will this eliminate budget deficits and trade deficits with China?

For budget deficits, certain tax cuts, if done right, can actually result in an increase in tax revenue... so, yes, it will help. However, it must be pointed out that deficits are a spending problem, not a tax problem.

Lower taxes reduce the cost of business in the country, and so firms will be able reduce the price of goods both domestically and internationally, reducing imports and increasing exports.

will it reduce infant mortality rates?

There's a strong link between low taxes and wealth, and an even stronger one between wealth and health. Do the math.

will it end problems of teen pregnancy, and also the issues with abortion?

Teen pregnancies are already WAY down, despite what the media is trying to portray. Greater number of abortions and teen pregnancies occur in economically deprived areas. Cut taxes, increase economic prosperity, reduce the number of abortions and teen pregnancies.

will it cause world peace?

Need I point to the Golden Arches, or Dell theory? Increased economic prosperity = increased world peace.

will it cause divorce rates to drop, and increase the numbers of two parent households to raise kids in?

One of the major causes of divorce is financial struggle. Lower the burden on families, increase the number of parents in households.

will it cause people to find Jesus?

No, there is no proven link between wealth and religion. While there is a correlation between wealth and athiesm, I don't think there has been any cause identified.

will it eliminate the obesity epidemic in America?

One of the major causes of American obesity is HFCS, which is used instead of sugar because it's cheap as corn is subsidized by the Government. End corn subsidies, reduce the burden on wallets and waists.

will it result in a properly trained tax force?

I'm going to assume you mean improvements in the IRS? Simply cutting taxes won't do this. Simplifying the tax code, however, will, as tax frauds will be easier to catch (not to mention, less likely to do it, anyway), and requires fewer workers to do all the calculations, and shiz. These savings in bureacracy, though, could facilitate further tax cuts.

will it cause multinational corporations to hire Americans, as opposed to people from India, China, and Eastern Europe?

Yes. Not only will the direct taxation burden of hiring Americans be reduced, lowering taxes mean that Americans will be able to buy more with their money, and accept lower wages, making them more competitive at an international level.

will it cause an end of illegal immigration?

No. It will increase immigration, whether or not that immigration is legal is down to what the Government's policy is.