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Hmmm good game with some flaws

The Good.

- When its fireing on all cylinders Crysis 2 is gorgeous and at times is the prettiest console game out there.

- Nice long campaign for a FPS.

- Some of the environments are breathtaking the one area where the Statue of Liberty's head is laying in a large pool of water and the sunlight is barely breaking through the building is a true stunner.

- The Nanosuite's powers are awesome,

- Solid story

The Bad

- I hated multiplayer, it just didn't feel right to me, like it was trying to be a cross between COD and Halo and didn't succeed in capturing the elements that make both so beloved franchises.

- The engine stutters in places and framerate can dive down at time

- Enemy AI is hit and miss, sometime brilliant other times dumb as a rock.

Overall I really enjoyed Crysis 2 and while its not getting any GOTY awards from me it was an excellent shooter.

I give it a respectable 8.9