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I was under the impression that it has been argued that all that is needed is more tax cuts, and everything will turn around.  You have the liberal argument that you raise taxes, get money to do this service and that, or build this, and it will have a positive impact.  Well, the argument now is that government is too large, so shrink it, and everything will go away.  Well, the key to this is cutting taxes.  So, is there anything government can't fix? If you cut taxes... 

will this end up eliminating drug addiction?

will this end the threat of terror by political extremists?

will this raise literacy rates?

will this eliminate budget deficits and trade deficits with China?

will it reduce infant mortality rates?

will it end problems of teen pregnancy, and also the issues with abortion?

will it cause world peace?

will it cause divorce rates to drop, and increase the numbers of two parent households to raise kids in?

will it cause people to find Jesus?

will it eliminate the obesity epidemic in America?

will it result in a properly trained tax force?

will it cause multinational corporations to hire Americans, as opposed to people from India, China, and Eastern Europe?

will it cause an end of illegal immigration?