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I really liked Gears 2, but it was basically more Gears 1. It didn't fix any of the issues the first game had, it looks marginally better, Epic are still trying and failing to actually put a decent story in (Maria was a bitch), I pretty much hate every character in the game besides Fenix and it had a couple of boring and crappy boss battles (Giant Shark Squid thing). It's a really fun game, but it's one of many fun games and at the end of the day I'm struggling to remember why I enjoyed it so much to begin with back in 2008. Co-op was dope though and I'll get Gears 3, but I won't shit my pants on launch day.

MGS4 was my first Metal Gear game, I was blown away by it in pretty much every single way and I still consider one of the greatest gaming playthroughs of my life. It's a perfectly crafted masterpiece, it made me a fan of the series (I bought every single Metal Gear game) and I now consider Kojima one of the greatest developers ever. If Metal Gear Solid 5 releases, no diaper in the world will be able to stop me.

Basically, Metal Gear Solid 4 is one of the greatest games ever made, Cliffy B can go an cry in his blood filled mocha choco latte.

MGS4 wins this battle.

Your next comparison better not be between Oblivion and Yakuza 3 or I will murder God.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.