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sapphi_snake said:

A) Man is inherently good... also pointless.

C1) "It's good because, it's good"? Really? Using tautologies now?

C2) But humans are the center of the universe (our universe), and we are the ones who define abstract qualities. The reason why I reject the notion that man is inherently good, is simply because it's not verifiable, and quite frankly, disproven by real life experience. I'm quite capable of empathy, more so than most people, but I refuse to empathise with religious people.

The ideea is that an omnipotent, onmiprezent, omni-whatever god could create a universe, create all kinds of rules etc., however we are not mindless robots programed to act a certain way. We have the capability to think independently, interpret the world as we see fit, and this quite fraknly leads us often to find that the rules of the god are actually in contradiction with what we define as good for ourselves. At the end of the day "omnipotence", "all-knowing" are just impossible qualities that dictators attribut to themselves to justify their rule, and no one does it better than the "supreme dictator". These attributes are often extended to more earthly dictators, and I find this concept scary and dangerous, hence why I won't even liste nto such nonsense.

D) In my opinion, god knowing who will be "saved" and who will not, before these people even commit the respective actions kinda negates the whole purpose of life (according to Christians it's salvation, proving to god that you deserve to go to heaven, something that's obvioulsy pointless if god already knows who is gonna "be good" and go to heaven, and who is not even before the respective people are born).

You may identify and define qualities, but that`s not equal to creating them.

Saying "men is inherently good" isn`t the same as saying it´s 100% good or that he`s good 24/7. It means that people know right from wrong, in one way, and in another, taking into consideration that people were created as a reflection of God, people are born good, they might just choose another way, because you were made free.
The question is, when someone`s views clash with God`s, "why do they clash?". Everyone can tell a different reason, but they will probably be similar in essence.

God knows what will happen, but that doesn`t erase the fact that you will have to live your life and make choices along the way. That doesn`t even erase the part where He tries to put you on the right path. The purpose of life and knowing everything still has to "happen" to be real.