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Everyone see the rumored reports from a Taiwanese manufacturer that PS4 is going to come out in 2012?
That would follow the typical 6 year life cycle that PS1 to PS2 had, as well as PS2 to PS3. I know Sony has talked about their 10 year support for PS3, but what does that mean exactly? Even PS2 was sold in stores for another 4 years after PS3 released so that technically had 10 year support although w/ less games of course. Perhaps, the same will happen to the PS3 with continued firmware updates for another 4 years.

Personally I would be happy to upgrade to a PS4 next year, and with a new system we'll see more advances in gaming engines & graphics technology although I'm definitely still very content with the current graphics and lineup of games coming out on PS3. Still I'm always excited at the thought of something better and having owned a PS3 for 5 years this november I wouldn't feel burned by a new system releasing too soon. 6 years by winter 2012 would be fine with me.

What are your guys thoughts?