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Playing some old games with no trophies now (Enchanted Arms) and some PS2 games that I never got around (Deus Ex, Radiata Stories, Dark Cloud, Dark Cloud 2) so unlikely that I will have activity for awhile until Fall rolls around when I'll be buying a million games (Uncharted 3, Battlefield 3, MW3, Skyrim, PS Vita, Catherine, No More Heroes PS3, Bodycount, Deus Ex HR, Child of Eden (?), Dead Island, Resistance 3, Disgaea 4, White Knight C 2, Dark Souls, Rage, Twisted Metal, Arkham City, Ratch & Clank AF1,  AC: Revelations = OMG).

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

Nintendo Network ID: Saugeen-Uwo