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Marvel, without a doubt.

As spdk1 mentioned, DCU has gods as heroes. This is the one of the main reasons why I argue to people over and over to why I don't like the DC Universe. Flash is faster than everyone, Green Lantern can create anything from his mind and fly through space, Wonder Woman is a woman empowered by the gods to be godlike (and apparently even though growing up on an island of only women and hating men, she isn't gay?.... weird) and well Superman, other then being stupidly powerful.

Only Batman could be seen as relatable due to his past and he's human but his skills put him above most, the whole 'Batman Wins' thing, does get old. Superman he plays the 'All "AMERICAN" hero', yet he's dishonest (wrote about Superman in a good light as a reporter), regularly betrays his wife with another 'Woman' and his mind is conflicted, he talks about how he could be bad, he could murder people and I never think he's far off.

DCU has a lot of repetative powersets as well, there are what? about 9 people in the Batman Family now? 4 or 5 Super people? Wonder Woman has 2 Wonder Girls following her. Now the entire Universe if filled with different colour "Laterns". (Well this arguement has since fallen a bit as of recent happenings in the Hulk comics.)


I find Marvel far more relatable and far easier to read and manage. Of course being a fanboy of the X-men, I think I'm biased.

But I do loathe Wolverine to a passion. He's long since lost his hero status when he willing used his claws to murder people. He did it again in the latest Uncanny issue, the story was weird because of it's subject matter and the ending worst becuase of the point that was trying to be made. He has no character development anymore because his character is too wide spread and sadly the only place I feel he is writen to the correct characterisation is in Avengers. A guy who there because he wants to be but doesn't want to lead, gets the job done and tries not to be the Weapon he was designed to be. Whatever happened in the X-men comics to that guy I'd like to know.

I have reduced my buying to just the main 2 X-men comics (Uncanny and the one that used to be called X-men but now I have to refer to it as Legacy). They have since released several different books many with the same characters. We have Uncanny, X-men Legacy, X-men, Astonishing X-men and soon to be the new book 'Wolverine and the X-men' which comes from a big story later in the year. 5 main X-men ongoings. As far as I have been reading, only Uncanny and Legacy matter. This is without mentioning X-force and New Mutants. To be it's a joke, milking what they can.

I also fear this new book as it may include central stories that I miss out on but it has Wolverine as centric and in the title. Unless the idea is to establish him a non-murdering hero then good but he will never do that when he's in X-force. A book which in intself turned several nice people into murderers (poor Angel).

Hmm, pie.