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All biblical prophecies will come to pass, whether the world wants to recognize this reality is another thing. The prophecies in Daniel and Revelation in particular are definitely something people who are not christians should take into consideration. The prophecies that have already come to pass and what it speaks about future events are truths that anybody who reads them should not take lightly. The attitude that people display towards the coming of Christ fits perfectly into what Peter says in his epistle. Although, I'm not into conspiracy theories, (I'm sure people in here with their superior intellect will say i've already bought into one) which Christians have unfruitfully participated in. I stand on the innerrancy of Biblical truth that is presented within scripture. It's hard to look around at the world's condition and not see the direction in which it's heading. John records in revelations which most scholars date roughly around 95 AD (some date it earlier), 13:16,17 about a one world currency. Bankers realize that it's moving to a centralized currency soon, which all banks will work directly through in some form or fashion and have talked about it openly. The parellel's are many if one takes the time to look at them. In the midst of all the crazies out there. There is sound exegesis of scripture and solid and logical evidences that point or shadow the things reflected in scripture.