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Favorite 2D Sonic Game

1. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Genesis)
2. Sonic Rivals (PlayStation Portable)
3. Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis)
4. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (iOS/PlayStation Network/WiiWare/XboxLive Arcarde)
5. Sonic Rush (Nintendo DS)

Favorite 3D Sonic Game

1. Sonic Heroes (GameCube/PlayStation 2/Xbox)
2. Sonic Colors (Wii)
3. Sonic Unleashed (PlayStation 2/PlayStation 3/Wii/Xbox 360)
4. Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii)
5. Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii)

Favorite Miscellaneous Sonic game

1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
2. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (DS/PC/PlayStation 3/Wii/Xbox 360)
3. Shadow the Hedgehog (GameCube/PlayStation 2/Xbox)
4. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (DS)
5. Sonic Riders (Gamecube/Playstation 2)

Favorite Sonic Protagonist (Title in Parentheses is the Character's First Appearance)

1. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
2. Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
3. Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic the Hedgehog 3)
4. Amy Rose (Sonic CD)
5. Cream the Rabbit (Sonic Advance 2)

Favorite Sonic Antagonist/Rival (Title in Parentheses is the Character's First Appearance)

1. Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
2. Rouge the Bat (Sonic Adventure 2)
3. Wave the Swallow (Sonic Riders)
4. Metal/Mecha Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
5. Jet the Hawk (Sonic Riders)

Lamest Sonic Character (Use the Protagonist and Antagonist/Rival listings above.)

1. Charmy Bee
2. Chao
3. Mighty the Armadillo


Favorite Zone (Open Voting) (Please List the Zone and the Game that it takes place in.)
Egg Fleet (Sonic Heroes)

Favorite Musical Track (Open Voting) (Please List the Track and the Game that it takes place in.)
Sonic Heroes Main Theme

Favorite Sonic Moment (Open Voting) (Please List the Moment and the game that it takes place in.)
Metal Sonic Fight Sonic Heroes

Lamest Sonic Moment (Open Voting) (Please List the Moment and the game that it takes place in.)
Sonic Riders Ending