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o_O.Q said:
Aiddon said:
not surprising. AS much as I'd like to see The Last Story and Pandora's Tower, they wouldn't exactly sell big. And quite frankly when that would happen to a tee I can already hear the fanboy bitching and moaning wondering why these didn't sell big; probably a big chunk of it being the fact that these supporters would be nothing but talk and chicken out at the last second, leaving said games out to dry in the vain hope that someone else would pick up the slack for them

what you said here "leaving said games out to dry in the vain hope that someone else would pick up the slack for them" has me confused... are you saying that people who aren't interested in these games should buy them just to boost sales? "pick up the slack for them" because thats exactly what it sounds like

He's saying that the people making the noise aren't actually 100% committed to buying the games, then would complain when the games failed to sell even though they didn't buy it

Quite possible, if only because i know some people are participating in Op Rainfall for only one of the three titles, or are only participating for ideological purposes (participating because on principle Nintendo should be releasing these games, and not because they themselves care about them). I know i'm only in this for The Last Story, so the comments i've pitched on Nintendo's facebook about Xenoblade are merely hot air and in no way indicative of a sale

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.