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Dark Odin said:
busiest member last week for me! yay /o/

thanks for the update arcturus :)

playing crysis 2 this week, chapter 10 right now. really good game, reminds me of resistance 2 the single player portion.

You trophy whore!

I did get into the busiest member list, but not even close to first.

Thanks Arcturus for the update.

Playing the Uncharted 3 Beta. Its very good, but a few things bother me.

- Graphics feel a bit weak. I know its multiplayer, but I remember being better than that. I could be wrong though,

- Takes way way way way too many bullets to kill people. If I see someone running I cant kill them. They just roll themselves into a corner.So I spend most fof my time running around using grenades and using melee.

- Moving feels a bit weird. Its not fluid. Maybe its because Im used to 1st person games online though.

- Power plays all the time annoy me a bit.


Also, and its strange for me, there hasnt been a single game for me yet where I didnt kill more than I died.

I have done a few 3,4,5 kill streaks even.