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Marteds said:
oniyide said:
Mad55 said:
oniyide said:
Mad55 said:
oniyide said:
Mad55 said:
who says Microsoft is greedy for getting an exclusive rpg i don't get that lol. sony has plenty of exclusive games. Also id rather get a 100% new game like graces and xillia than 15% of new content for a game i have beaten 3 times on the 360. I would buy vesperia again with the extra content but it doesn't seem worth it.

Sony's exclusives are made n published by Sony. Wanna tell me a game on PS3 that Sony paid NOT to b on another system?? Sony N Ninty do their grimey crap too

Ok sony has more first party developers than Microsoft if Microsoft felt they wanted it exclusive in the west how are you mad about that? Its their money and their choices it doesnt make them greedy im sure the deal helped namco cover costs just like sony funding first party developers helps the developers alot. Their are exclusive jrpgs on the 360 besides vesperia, third party games are allowed to be exclusive you know.

Then MS needs to get more 1st party devs, its not like they are hurting for cash. Thats besides the point, im not mad, im not even a Tales fan, so i could care less. But whats with the cover up?? Its not neccersary, we all know what went down. Why hide it?? Makes you look shady.

well myabe microsoft wants/wanted to secure 3rd party exclusives instead worked for ps1/2. Also what business do you know goes around telling info about exclusive contracts, where the buyers not their business partners.

can you tell me a game that Sony actually paid to keep on their console in those days, the closest i can think is the GTAs. Im not even against what MS did, but BS is BS and lying about it just makes them look like shady tools IMHO

To be honest he/she would not be able to tell you which games Sony paid for. These deals are usually kept a secret from the public eye and are supposed to be between the developer and the publisher. So if you expect proof you are going to have someone who works for the company to leak the information to the public.

fair enough, but the gaming community has known for some time what went down with ToV, IMO people are just annoyed at the blatant lying and cover up. Its the dishonesty about it and not that MS actually did what they did. If i really wanted the game i would have took my happy ass to the import shop on Gunhill RD in the Bronx and just bought a copy, cheaper than having to buy a another console and the game